Come and listen to Lele Lele playing at the legendary record store/café Multi Kulti at At Paulsgatan 3 in Stockholm. We will be stocked up on the new album and will of course sign copies.
Release party!!!

Flyer design Guillaume Payen, Photo Borislav Borozanov
Lele Lele is releasing the debut album “Lele Lele” on DartBird music. This of course calls for celebration. Everyone in Stockholm May 16 should head to Pygméteatern, Vegagatan 16 at 7PM. Beautiful art, glorious food and of course the magical music of Lele Lele will be bountiful. Don’t miss the introduction of a new superstar with the guest performance by “Grunko” – straight from Varanasi, India. If you’re an old fan or just have great music taste you are more than welcome. The admission is of course free and you will have the chance to get your hands on the freshly released cd.
Lele Lele release party at Pygméteatern
Finally the proper debut album of Lele Lele is coming out. The label is DartBird music and the release party will be May 16 at Pygmeteatern in Stockholm. You’re all very invited!
Lele Lele på Kulturhusnatten
Varje år blir Kulturhuset i Stockholm överfyllt med happenings och musik. I år sker det 17 oktober och Lele Lele är med på programmet. Det blir en liten annan sättning då Björn är på de Brittiska öarna och förlustar sig men istället är det den fantastiske kavalspelaren Nikola Gaidarov som fyller hans plats. Entré blott 30 kr och det är caféet på våning 5 man kan hitta oss.